How to convert your Kettle into an Offset Smoker in 4 easy steps?

1. Setup the Zones
Place the Smoke and Sizzle on one side of the kettle. Add charcoal and wood chunks on the opposite side for smoking.

2. Ignite the Charcoal
Light a few charcoal briquettes and place them on one side, or ignite them directly in the kettle using a fire starter.

3. Add Water (Optional)
Pour water into the Smoke and Sizzle to create moisture and help stabilize the temperature.

4. Position the Meat
Once the smoker reaches the desired temperature and you see clean smoke, place the meat on the grate above the Smoke and Sizzle (opposite the charcoal). Close the lid, positioning the vent over the meat to help control airflow and maintain steady cooking temperatures.
How to convert your Weber Kettle into an Offset Smoker?
Here is a short video showing the steps to setup your Weber Kettle for offset smoking with Smoke and Sizzle